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전기차 Canoo 카누 상장 , 애플 전기차 생산 은 전기차 시장에 긍정적일 것 안녕하세요. It was a bumpy stock market debut for electric vehicle maker Canoo (GOEV). The Los Angeles-based startup went public on the Nasdaq Dec. 22 via a reverse merger with the special purpose acquisition company, or SPAC, Hennessy Capital. Shares initially surged but turned lower to close Tuesday down 3.1% at 18.89 a share. 로스앤젤레스의 스타트업 전기차 업체 Canoo가 12월 22일 헤네시 캐피탈 SPAC 통해 우회상장하였습니다. 주가는 상승 후 3.. 2020. 12. 25.
5년전 애플 아마존 대신 이더리움, 비트코인을 샀다면? ( 시세 비교 ) 안녕하세요. Ethereum (ETH) is the second-largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin (BTC) in terms of market capitalization. The cryptocurrency was released on July 30, 2015, with Vitalik Buterin and Gavin Wood as its original authors. So how has this altcoin fared in the past half-decade? Ethereal Highs: Assuming an investor purchased $1,000 worth of ETH on Dec.23, 2015, they would have picked up 1162.79 .. 2020. 12. 24.
2021년 애플 주식 매수 전 체크해야할 것 안녕하세요. 애플의 첫 5G 가능한 아이폰12 출시 및 흥행 기대감에 애플 주가 상승에 대한 기대감이 모락모락 피어나고 있습니다. 미국 증권사 관계자들은 애플의 내년 주가 흐름에 대해 어떻게 생각하고 있는지 들어보겠습니다. Much has been made of the major near term catalyst for Apple (AAPL) -- the iPhone 12 supercycle. The anticipation is for a big chunk of Apple’s global fanbase to upgrade to the new 5G-enabled handsets over the next few years. However, J.P. Morgan analyst Samik Chatterjee s.. 2020. 12. 21.