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인텔 모빌아이, 전기차 라이더 Lider 자체 개발 / 루미나 주가 하락 안녕하세요. Intel (ITNC) subsidiary Mobileye on Tuesday shared its plans to develop a self-driving car system for 2025. 화요일 인텔 자회사 모빌아이는 2025년까지 셀프드라이빙 시스템 개발 계획을 공유했습니다. The Jerusalem-based mobility software company said its system could use in-house developed Light Detection and Ranging (lidar) sensors rather using lidar units from Luminar Technologies LAZR. Mobileye said it is making rapid progres.. 2020. 12. 17.
2021년에 투자할 만한 친환경 태양광 관련주 / 에너지 산업의 대전환 안녕하세요 A lot of alternative energy stocks has to do with President-elect Joe Biden. His administration’s stance on fossil fuels or a lower dependence on them, has caused a shake up among energy stocks. The Biden administration has a $2 trillion plan to combat climate change by supporting things like solar energy as well as the development of battery technology, renewable energy and electric vehic.. 2020. 12. 16.
전기차 샤오펑 Xpeng 주가 2022년엔 $100 갈 것 안녕하세요. Every week, Benzinga conducts a sentiment survey to find out what traders are most excited about, interested in or thinking about as they manage and build their personal portfolios. 매주 Benzinga 는 투자자들의 관심사에 대해 설문조사를 실시합니다. We surveyed a group of over 300 investors on whether Xpeng's (NYSE: XPEV) stock will reach $100 by 2022 and 62% of readers think it will. Xpeng trades at $46.80 at time.. 2020. 12. 15.
IPO 주가 과열 데자뷰 / 2000년 닷컴 버블의 몰락 안녕하세요. 도어대시와 에어비앤비 상장 첫날 상승세가 매우 가파릅니다. 2000년대 닷컴 버블과 다른 점은 어느 정도 성장한 기업들이 상장된다는 것이지만 2000년대처럼 버블이 크게 붕괴된다면 많은 이들이 돈을 잃을 수 있다고 우려됩니다. An interesting thing keeps happening in the American stock market. Lately, when ownership of young companies passes from the institutions who nurtured them into the much broader arms of the investing public, their valuations double. It happens fast. After its pric.. 2020. 12. 14.