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마윈 앤트그룹 상장 무기한 중단, 중국의 IT기업 길들이기

by investingvalue 2020. 12. 28.


What a whirlwind holiday for Jack Ma and his fintech empire. The People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, summoned Ant Group for regulatory talks on December 26th, announcing a sweeping plan for the fintech firm to "rectify" its regulatory violations.

중국 인민은행은 12월 26일 앤트그룹을 소환하여 면담을 진행했습니다. 앤트그룹이 규제 위반한 것을 바로잡을 계획을 발표했습니다.

앤트그룹 규제

The meeting came less than two months after China's financial authorities abruptly halted what could have been a record-setting initial public offering of Ant over the firm's regulatory compliance issues. The company, which started out as a payments processor for Alibaba's online marketplaces and spun out in 2011, lacked a sound governance structure, defied regulatory requirements, illegally engaged in arbitrage, excluded competitors using its market advantage and hurt consumer rights, said the central bank.

이번 면담은 앤트그룹이 규제 이슈로 상장이 중단된지 2개월 후에 있었습니다. 앤트그룹은 알리바바 전자상거래의 지불 서비스에서 시작되어 2011년 분사되었습니다. 인민은행은 앤트그룹이 소비자 권리를 침해하고 경쟁업체 배제하며 규제들을 위반하였다고 밝혔습니다.

중국 앤트그룹 Ant group fintech

Concurrently, Jack Ma's e-commerce giant Alibaba is under investigation by China's top market regulator over alleged monopolistic behavior.

알리바바 역시 독점 행위로 중국 당국의 조사를 받고 있습니다.

The banking authority laid out a five-point compliance agenda for Ant, which is controlled by Alibaba's billionaire founder Jack Ma. The fintech company should return to its roots in payments and bring more transparency to transactions; obtain the necessary licenses for its credit businesses and protect user data privacy; establish a financial holding company and ensure it holds sufficient capital; revamp its credit, insurance, wealth management and other financial businesses according to the law; and step up compliance for its securities business.

인민은행은 앤트그룹의 5가지 개선사항을 제시했습니다. 핀테크 앤트그룹은 결제서비스에 집중하며 거래의 투명성을 제고해야 한다는 것입니다.

마윈 Jack Ma

Following the closed-door meeting, Ant said it has established an internal "rectification workforce" to work on all the regulatory requirements.

앤트그룹은 규제에 대응하기 위해 내부 개선 인력을 선정했다고 하였습니다.

The shakeup could take months to carry out and likely dent Ant's valuation, which surpassed $300 billion around the time it was scheduled to go public. For instance, the government recently announced plans to raise the bar for third-party technology platforms like Ant to provide loans to consumers, a segment that made up about 35% of Ant's annual revenue. The proposed change, which is part of Beijing's effort to control the country's debt risks, also sets a new requirement for online microlenders to provide at least 30% of the loan they fund jointly with banks, which could put pressure on Ant's cash flow.

앤트그룹은 상장 예정인 시기에 3000억불의 가치가 넘었는데 지금은 타격을 받은 상황입니다. 중국 당국은 앤트그룹 연간 매출의 35% 차지하는 대출 제3자 플랫폼 서비스에 대해 규제를 강화할 것으로 발표했습니다. 이는 중국이 부채 리스크를 줄이기 위한 일환이며 앤트그룹의 현금흐름에 영향을 줄 것으로 예상됩니다.

Ant group 앤트그룹 사업구조

Some remain optimistic about Ant's future. "[Ant] creates a lot of value. If you take the long view, the temporary suspension of its IPO has a limited impact on its business," Bill Deng, founder of cross-border payments operator XTransfer and a former executive at Ant, said to TechCrunch.

앤트그룹의 미래는 긍정적일 것이라고 보는 시각도 있습니다. 앤트그룹은 많은 가치를 창출하고 있으며 일시적인 상장 중단은 사업에 제한적인 영향을 미친다는 것입니다.

"From the regulator's standpoint, [Ant's] lending size is getting so big that it has extended beyond the old regulatory perimeters. To some extent, it has also encroached on the core interests of traditional financial players," he added.

앤트그룹의 규모가 커지면서 기존 규제의 범위를 벗어났습니다. 전통적인 금융 기업들의 핵심 이익을 침범하고 있는것이죠.

The China central bank summoned fintech Ant group for regulatory talks, announcing a plan for the fintech firm to rectify its regulatory violation. About 2 months ago China financial authorities abruptly halted what could have been a record setting initial public offering of Ant over the firm's regulatory compliance issues. The China government's clampdown on Ant could put pressure on Ant's cash flow. Some remained optimistc Ant's future.

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