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모더나 백신 FDA 긴급 승인, 코로나 종식 가능할까

by investingvalue 2020. 12. 19.


모더나 코로나 백신 승인

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized Moderna’s (MRNA) COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use Friday evening, after an independent advisory panel voted overwhelmingly to recommend the EUA.

미국 FDA는 금요일 밤 모더나 백신 사용을 긴급 승인하였습니다.

The EUA marks an important moment in the company’s history, as the vaccine is its first product to emerge from clinical trials. It also marks the second vaccine using a new platform, messenger RNA or mRNA, to deliver protection.

EUA는 모더나 역사에 굉장히 중대한 모멘텀임을 강조하였습니다. 코로나 백신은 모더나 임상에서 최초로 출시되는 제품입니다. EUA는 또한 RNA mRNA 활용한 두번째 백신에 대해서도 언급했습니다.

모더나 코로나 백신 승인 접종

“It has been a 10-year scientific, entrepreneurial and medical journey, and I am thankful to all those who have helped us get here today. We remain focused on scaling up manufacturing to help us protect as many people as we can from this terrible disease,” said Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel in a statement in late Friday.

모더나 CEO는 10년간 제약 사업을 이끌어왔으며 최대한 많은 사람들을 보호하기 위해 생산을 확대하겠다고 말했습니다.

모더나 코로나 관련주 화이자

Moderna was the first company to begin clinical trials, beginning 63 days after the virus was sequenced from China.
“On January 7, before China had reported even one death from the novel coronavirus or confirmed human-to-human transmission, NIH scientists and innovators at Moderna agreed to begin work on the vaccine that received FDA authorization today,” said Heath and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar.

모더나는 중국에서 바이러스가 확산된 시점에서 63일 뒤 처음 임상을 시작했습니다. 1월 7일 중국이 코로나바이러스 사망자를 발표하기 이전, 사람과의 접촉을 언급하기 이전에 모더나의 전문가들은 백신에 대해 연구하기 시작했고 오늘에 이르러 FDA 승인을 받았다고 Alex Azar는 말했습니다.

The authorization makes Moderna’s the second vaccine to be available in the U.S., following that of Pfizer’s (PFE) and BioNTech’s (BNTX).
“With the availability of two vaccines now for the prevention of COVID-19, the FDA has taken another crucial step in the fight against this global pandemic that is causing vast numbers of hospitalizations and deaths in the United States each day,” said FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn in a statement.

모더나 백신은 화이자 바이오엔테크 백신 이후 승인된 2번째 코로나 백신입니다. FDA 관계자는 2개 백신 승인 이후 FDA는 팬데믹과 싸우기 위해 중대한 조치를 추진하고 있다고 전했습니다.

Originally, Moderna had been working on mRNA for cancer treatments. It has also announced efforts to begin working on a flu vaccine.
The company began as a small biotech at the start of the year, but became the first to be approved for clinical trials in March. It’s valuation has spiked, from trading at $17 per share in January, to a high of nearly $170 per share this month — pushing its market cap to $56 billion.

모더나는 본래 암치료를 위해 mRNA를 연구하고 있었습니다. 또한 독감 백신 개발에도 노력을 기울이고 있었습니다.
모더나는 연초 작은 바이오회사였지만 3월에는 임상 승인을 받은 최초 기업이 되었습니다. 모더나 주가는 1월 17불에서 12월 170불까지 올랐습니다. 시총은 560억불입니다.

모더나 주가 12/18 출처: investing.com

Moderna’s vaccine was shown to be 94.1% efficacious in clinical trials, and had a far more diverse trial population than Pfizer. The company also has a less demanding cold storage process for the vaccine, giving hope for greater reach throughout the U.S. — especially to rural areas and territories.

모더나 백신은 임상에서 94.1% 효능을 보였으며 화이자보다 다양한 임상군을 포함하고 있습니다. 모더나 백신은 백신 초저온 유통에 대한 조건이 까다롭지 않아 미국 전역에 보급될 가능성이 높습니다.

Moderna’s trial was smaller than Pfizer’s, with about 30,000 participants compared to 44,000. Both vaccines have similar side effects, including pain at the injection side, headache and fatigue.

모더나 임상규모는 화이자에 비해 작았습니다. 두 백신 모두 비슷한 부작용이 있습니다. 두통, 피로 등입니다.

Between Pfizer and Moderna, the U.S. expects to deliver 40 million doses by the end of the year. Moderna expects nearly 6 million — double that of Pfizer— to be included in its initial shipment.

미국은 연말까지 4000만개의 백신을 보급할 예정입니다. 모더나는 최초 보급시 600만 개의 백신을 배포할 계획입니다.

Although Moderna was a small biotech company at the start of the year, its vaccine eventually received FDA authorization following that of Pfizer. It is expected that US can make fast progress to fight against the global pandemic causing vast numbers of hospitalizations and deaths in US each day with the availability of 2 vaccines. Moderna can give hope for greater reach throughout US than Pfizer due to the fact that Moderna has a less demanding cold storage process for the vaccine.

코로나백신 관련 블로그 포스팅 참조해주세요.

코로나백신 콜드체인 초저온유통주 급등 (대한과학, 투비소프트, 일신바이오)

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